Free BitCoin slots!
#19 General Updates
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2021-01-04

We have made some updates to the website to make it more stable and enjoyable!

#18 General Updates
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2020-05-27

We have made some updates to the website. We have also removed miner option as it unfortunately was quite unstable and not compatible with most browsers. However, you can still get spins through invites, offers, website links and other features!

#17 General Updates
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2018-12-04

We have made some small updates to increase the win rates! Try playing now and see the balance increase faster!

Good luck!

#16 Privacy Updates
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2018-05-15

This is just a quick update about the Privacy Policy of this website as it is relevant with the upcoming GDPR implementation. We have improved a few lines of the policy to make it as clear as possible for our users.

In short, we do not ask any personally identifiable information like emails, passwords and similar, nor do we display any information to other users. We try to keep it as simple as possible!

Good luck!

#15 Some Tips and Updates
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2018-03-12

We just wanted to remind you to make sure you check your miner periodically if it is running for a longer time. It sometimes pauses and asks for your permission after 24 hours (to prevent abuse) so make sure you accept it :). Also, on approximately March 28 there will be a major miner update so you might need to check several days after that to see if everything is working. Refreshing the page is enough, you don't need to do anything!

We also have updated several features and inreased the maximum offers payout to 250 spins (instead of 200)!

#14 Shareable Miner
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2018-01-30

From now on you can sahre your miner link and ask anybody to help mining!

Simply use the link you can now find on the miner page (format is You can ask your friends for help and get spins faster. Also, the link does NOT require logging in and allows multiple devices at the same time. Mining has never been so easy before!

#13 Plans For 2018
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2018-01-04

During the holidays we have temporarily slowed down the development of new features. However, now we are happy to announce that we have many updates planned throughout this year and we are working hard on them. It is time to take BTC HEAT to the next level! We are still not revealing the new features 100% but you will see them soon and they will be amazing, so stay tuned!

Meanwhile, we wish you happy 2018! Let's generate some Bitcoins together!

#12 Huge Update: Added Links System!
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-12-14

Today we have added a completely new links feature! Now you can earn spins by simply viewing various websites for a certain amount of time! What is more, you can actually add your own link and receive visits from other BTC HEAT users!

We have been working hard on this new feature and we hope you will like it! As always, BTC HEAT constantly evolves and does not stay at one place. You can expect even more new features in the future.

By the way, we have also improved the bottom navigation of the home page. Now it is not as cluttered as before :)

#11 Miner
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-12-03

Today we had a short downtime on our mining provider's server. This has happened for the first time during the months of operation. It hasn't really done anything bad but you might want to refresh the miner page and start it again to make sure it is working.

#10 Regarding Payouts
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-11-26

There is some confusion about the payouts expressed from time to time so we decided to post this and make it clear for our users. All information is provided in our ToS and FAQ pages so make sure to check these as well (you can find the links at the bottom of any page or in the top menu when logged in).

Some users might overemphasize the winnings when posting links on other sites and inviting you to the website in order to gain more referrals. However, we want to make it as clear as possible what the real chances of winning are.

BTC HEAT is not a purely-random game as obviously this way we would not be able to pay out to every user or the payouts would be very small. Instead, it is more like a lottery combined with real user value generated from monetization methods. We add up every user's input to our prize pool's profits (completed offers, mined hashes, clicked advertisements and so on) and find out how much we can pay out in total. Only then comes in the random factor: some users might get luckier than others and win more of the prize pool than others. This way we motivate our users to stay on the page, play, click ads and therefore increase the pool size again.

Even though we use several monetization methods, the prize pool does not grow as fast as many might think. The payouts from advertisements and offers are relatively small and mining gives absolutely miniscule returns and is only there as a fun test feature rather than a solid monetization method. However, we still think it is better than asking our users for deposits, which will never be the case at BTC HEAT.

This is why some users see that their chances of winning decrease over time while at first they are quite high: if the system sees that the user continues winning but does not have generated enough value himself to compensate for the winnings, the rate temporarily decreases. It is logical, because if we paid out to every user 1000s of times more of what they have given to us the site would not be sustainable at all. Since there is also a random factor, it does not mean that you always have to generate 100% of the value in order to receive the payment. However, with current algorithms it is pretty close to the payout threshold, although it might change in the future.

In short, you should look at BTC HEAT as a fun game and a way to spend your free time rather than certain earning oportunity. There is a chance to win but there is no guarantee that every user will get the reward. Therefore, simply invest only the time you can afford and make it a fun experience! When we created BTC HEAT we wanted it to be a fun game for the community with just an extra bonus of winning BTC. However, it grew so fast that many users were left disappointed due to lack of information. We hope this post clears things up!

#9 Quick Update
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-11-24

We have just added several new easy offers - app installs. If you are out of spins it is one of the best ways to get more! We see that our users are loving it so far so don't miss a chance and use this opportunity as well! You will have to visit this site on mobile device for some offers to work.

We have also updated the algorithms again to account for the ever-increasing BTC price.

#8 Investment Game Is Here!
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-11-15

We have rolled out a new major update! Now you can play our investment game and double your spins in 5 minutes!

The game is based on live real BTC price. You need to guess which way will it go in the next five minutes: up or down. If you guess correctly you double your spins immediately!

You can invest every 5 minutes, unlimited amount of times. You can invest up to 100 spins at the moment (which would result in 200 after 5 minutes). The returns are great and the game is fun and addicting so try it now!

#7 BTC Price
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-11-11

Many users ask questions similar to "why did my balance decrease, yesterday it was $100 and now it is less than that?". We want to make it clear that we never decrease any balances. Also, the USD balance is just an approximation for your convenience and the real balances are kept in BTC and do not fluctuate.

We display an approximate value of your BTC balance in USD based on today's global exchange rate (which is constantly updated). Obviously, we cannot influence the global exchange rate of a currency which has a market cap of 1011 USD so it changes all the time. However, your BTC balance is always constant and never decreases. Therefore, if you have 0.03 BTC in BTC HEAT slots you will always have these 0.03 BTC no matter what happens in the market.

We also saw some questions about the miner stopping to work. In such case, simply try refreshing the miner page and running it again for at least several minutes. If you cannot launch the miner, try disabling your adblock (sometimes it might be integrated into your browser). In rare cases you might need to turn off your antivirus but in general it should not be necessary and it is not recommended if everything is working properly. Also, we securely store your mined hashes number on a third party server (miner service provider's) so your hashes are always safe and will not disappear even after you refresh the page.

#6 New Offers And Achievements!
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-11-06

From now on visitors from most countries will have plenty of offers to complete for spins. Majority of the offers are very easy to complete and will earn you a nice amount of spins instantly! Do not miss your chance and get those easy spins now!

We have also introduced a new feature: Achievements list. It begins with 15 total achievements, but we have plans to add more soon. Meet requirements, reach milestones and unlock achievements one by one until you collect them all!

#5 Increased Rates For Invites And Offers!
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-10-29

We have increased spins rates for invites! From now on you will get 25 spins (instead of 20) for every registration. Also, you will get additional 10 spins for every visit from our top-tier country list which you can find on your referrals page.

The rates have been increased since we count only unique visitors and it gets harder for our users to find such people with time. The increase in rates will be a good incentive to continue inviting people even more actively than before!

We also increased spins payouts for completed offers. Now you can find offers with maximum payments of 200 spins (previously it used to be 150).

#4 Second Week Report
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-10-27

This is a quick report on what has been done during the second week.

We rolled out a new feature: daily bonus. It is a simple roulette game where you can get free spins or (if you are very lucky) Bitcoins added to your balance. You can play it every 24 hours.

We also ran into a small server problem mid-week. However, this time we tackled it quickly (and without any losses, as always). Everything is holding up fine despite the everyday increasing number of people who come back to claim spins and play slots.

The ever-changing Bitcoin prices resulted in a short delay of payments mid-week but now we are back on our regular schedule. You can expect payments reaching you in one day after withdrawal request.

The miner stats are now updated much faster.

Next week you can expect further system improvements as well as more fun features. Good luck spinning!

#3 First Week
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-10-20

One week has passed since we launched BTC HEAT and it is time to review some things.

All this week we have been working hard. Most resources were dedicated to improving the system backend which is usually not visible but very important aspect for the whole system to work flawlessly. Despite that, we managed to introduce some new things as well.

Mining: we introduced mining as an experimental feature but it turned out to be very popular among our users. This is a great way to passively generate spins even when you are away from your computer.

Monetization methods: the only way for BTC HEAT ecosystem to work is by sharing our profits with our users through winnings. However, in order to have a prize pool we have to guarantee ourselves a stable income from various monetization methods: mainly advertisements and offers. So far we are successfully increasing the income so the pool size is looking good. We also have a couple of promising ideas for the future meaning that the total winnings should only increase in the future.

Payments: despite the fact that only one week has passed, there already are many users who withdrew their winnings to their wallets. In fact, we even have users who managed to do it twice! This is great news but we still have some improvements for our payment system planned. At the moment we use several payment channels to minimize costs. However, this does not allow us to be as transparent as some users would want. This is why we are now designing a new better system. Do not worry, the payments will still be going out as usual during this process!

We also have many other plans ahead. The first week was dedicated mainly to making everything be stable while during the next ones we will gradually shift our focus to introducing new better features!

And now - happy weekend while you spend your winnings!

#2 Miner Is Finally Here!
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-10-17

We have been working hard and finally launched the long-awaited miner!

Now you will be able to use your computer resources and mine for spins. It is quite fast and works as an additional way to get even more spins and increase your chances of winning.

More information is provided on the miner page. If you are logged in, go there and you will see the current required number of hashes per spin as well as some tips on how to set up the process so it would use an optimal amount of your CPU resources.

We recommend opening this miner on a separate tab, adjusting the threads and speed to not impact your computer work very much and simply leave it running. You will still be able to spin, invite users and complete offers while the miner is working in the background.

Please have in mind that this feature is still in Beta. Also, we recommend using it on desktop computers only. Only dedicate your free CPU resources which are non-important to you!

#1 Launching BTC HEAT And Status Report
Posted by BTC HEAT Staff / 2017-10-15

Last week we launched BTC HEAT and it became massively popular overnight. However, the traffic turned out to be much higher than our calculations predicted. Users started reporting slow spins and crashed pages. A wild ride started from here.

It took as a couple days and sleepless nights to optimize, scale our servers and move the data. We managed to successfully complete this task and ensure that BTC HEAT runs smoothly again. We can assure you that NO balances or users were lost during this period.

Having successfully solved the server problems we can finally move on to our original plan and focus on our roadmap goals:

Blog and updates: this page has just been launched so from now on you will always be able to see where we currently are and what is coming next.

Mining: the goal is to provide users with an ability to leave their devices online and automatically mine for spins during that time. This would require your CPU power (you will be able to adjust it to your preferences). Our partners are currently developing a new version of an engine used for this process. We could have launched this feature already but we decided that we want for it to be as non-intrusive as possible so it will have to wait.

Offers: new offer providers will be added soon to serve even more countries and give you more chances to get additional spins quickly.

New games: new mini games will be added later in the future.

Website updates.
Rate updates.
Minor infrastructure updates.
Offers payout increase, small updates.
Shareable miner introduced.
New update introduced. Try refreshing the miner page for faster mining!
Solved slow server issues. Fixed link visiting times (clicker).
Added links system.
Important: there was a short downtime on our mining provider's server, therefore you might need to check the miner if it is running correctly. Simply refresh the miner page and start it again!
Tons of new offers added for many countries. Let's test them out!
Multiple major updates.
Tons of new offers added for more countries!
Achievements section added.
General system and algorithm updates.
Minor invites system updates.
Added a mute sound button while playing slots.
Increased rates for invites and added country bonuses.
Increased max spins payouts from offers (max was 150, now 200).
Reworked the way slot results are displayed (only impact on performance, nothing else changed).
Further optimized server resource usage.
Added miner refresh timer bar.
Introduced daily bonus feature.
Payments provider updates.
Offer system updates.
Backend works during weekend.
Support system updated.
Added completed offers list.
Launched miner.
Added one more offers provider.
Blog was launched.
Support system was updated.
The website is now stable and was successfully moved without losing any data.
Started server scaling process.
©2025 BTC HEAT. All rights reserved.
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